I need a stock for a late style Hawken project.
Who makes a high quality historically correct pattern?
Redheart, I second the recommendations for TOTW Bridger pattern Hawken stock. Most of the work of getting the right shape and architecture of a Hawken has already been done for you. As Herb says, this stock pattern has an excellent pedigree.
There are a couple things you may want to consider, though. IIRC, you were interested in building a copy of the Hawken rifle described in Chapter 15 of
Fifteen Years In The Hawken Lode. I enlarged some pictures of that original Hawken to life size to compare to a few of the available pre-carves. These first two pictures compare a GRRW Hawken to the life size original. Note, this is the same stock pattern as TOTW's.
Next is one of TOTW Bridger pre-carve stocks overlayed on the photo.
The good news is that the TOTW Bridger stock matches the shape of the original, especially in the butt stock and comb area. It's hard to get a good photo of it, but when I overlay the TOTW stock onto the blowup of the original, the comb and the rest of the stock line-up near perfect with the original. The bad news is that the original Hawken has an unusually long forearm, almost 2" longer than the TOTW stock.
Two other shortcomings with the TOTW Bridger stock that could be overcome: (1) The butt plate that the TOTW stock is cut for is different than the one on the original. The trigger pull on the original is 13" and the TOTW stock is roughly 14", so there may be enough wood left to make a different butt plate fit. (2) Another minor issue is the TOTW stock is pre-inlet for the Ron Long designed lock, so you would be locked into using it.
This next photo shows a Tiger Hunt Hawken stock as another option. It is just rough shaped and still has plenty of wood to get the right shape. You would need to check with Tiger Hunt to see if they could make you one with a forearm at least 2" longer than their normal pattern. You might even want them to leave the forearm square. Just have them cut the barrel channel and drill the ramrod hole and shape from lock panels back.
The Tiger Hunt stock will allow you to put whatever lock and butt plate on it that you want.
Someone suggested the Pecatonica River Longrifle Supply Hawken stock. They make a good pre-carve. When I compared one I have to the enlarged photo of the original, the comb didn't seem to be high enough. Plus you still have the issue that the forearm isn't long enough.
Hope this helps.