Author Topic: Current project by Rolf - Beck Rifle and a pair of "Big Bang" Dragoon pistols  (Read 1931 times)

Offline Rolf

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The post below was originally part of Davebozell's  "Show us your current project" thread.  The moderators have split the many projects in the original thread out into individual threads so the members can more easily ask questions and the builders can more easily answer.

My two main projects are a Beck inspired flintlock rifle and a pair of "Big Bang" Dragoon pistols. Both projects stocked from blanks. Almost finished with the pistols. Just some carving and barrel work left, before I start on the pistol case. The barrels are turned from a 20mm vulcan cannon barrel.

Most of the rifle is finished, mostly carving left. Have to practice some more before I dare try to carve the stock.

Next in line is a copy of a pair swedish officer pistols that I plan to stock in Norwegian flame birch. Finished all the metal parts almost two years ago. Been waiting for the stock blanks to dry out. Hope to start on them this winter.

Best regards
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 08:53:18 PM by Ky-Flinter »