Hi guys. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a soon to be 52 year old millhunky, have worked with my hands my whole adult life, I've been lurking here for a few weeks and have absorbed some valuable info from you guys just following along. I've made longbows, recurves, knives, tools, leather goods, etc and have been shooting flintlocks for decades, but recently became interested in building my own. I hope my experience in wood and metal working will help some, and while it feels like a natural progression, I can see that this is in many ways like starting yet another apprenticeship from scratch... which is perfect because I'm ready for some new challenges. A friend of mine has been making very nice longrifles for a long time. He's a meticulous craftsman and his work is inspiring, and is largely why I'm here and have decided this will be part of my journey.
Anyhow, he lent me some books, and I've recently bought some more, and videos of my own. I thought about buying an Issac Haines Chambers precarved kit for my first, but have held off because I don't want to rush into a major decision, or the process, and frankly, the more info I'm privy to, the more I see that I have some studying to do first. I didn't expect the history and geographic and cultural variety to immediately influence me the way they have. So much to consider and appreciate.
Anyhow, I just wanted to say hi, nice to virtually meet you, and warn you of impending stupid questions ;^