Back in 2012 there was a Pewter Pipe Tomahawk posted on the "Blog". I thought it interesting and Six yeas ago (I find that, the time, almost hard to believe) decided to make one. For whatever reasons I never finished what I started, which is not totally new to me. Anyway the mold was made up from scrap wood and Auto body filler. It was made in Two pieces one side at a time by filling one side, it has a back on it, with filler, covering it with a plastic wrap, I used a grocery store bag, pressing the pattern in to it and allowing it to set up overnight. The dowels are used to align the halves.
A second piece of plastic was then placed over the pattern, the top was put on and filler poured into it, after setting up all night the Two pieces separated easily. The eye of the pattern was filled with filler so it could be removed. I sooted up both halves hoping it would work as a release agent. The Two pieces were clamped together and the Pewter poured, the last Pic shows my crucible, a tin can with a spout bent into it. Once cooled the pieces separated with a little work, the soot worked. I did Two pours on the second I miss guessed the amount of Pewter and you see the result, no bowl, it will be used somewhere down the line. The eyes were solid and I drilled and filed them to a rough shape, both heads need some touch up work.
I will post that as it happens along with the other work as the project progresses.
Tim C.
Top half of mold, you can see the Auto Body Filler
Side View
Both sides, pattern removed and sooted
Head sitting in Mold
First pour