AmericanLongRifles Forums
General discussion => Black Powder Shooting => Topic started by: Candle Snuffer on August 18, 2009, 03:01:52 AM
Yesterday after our monthly muzzle loading match, I was asked by our defending State Muzzle Loading Champion, if I would be going to our Nebraska State Muzzle Loading Championship Shoot this year?
Sadly I had to tell Potter that I would not be able to make it (again) this year as I thought at that time I had to work the Saturday over Labor Day weekend. I found out today that Labor Day this year falls on the 7th of September, so I am off that weekend,,, the 5th, 6th, & 7th,,, which is the date's of our State Shoot. So I can make it!
I'm going to try to squeeze out of work early on the 4th (Friday) and head down to Cario, Nebraska (about a 5-1/2 hour drive), if I can?
I emailed Potter (State Champion) over at the Museum of the Fur Trade to let him know I would be there! :)
I've had to miss the last two State Shoots because of work. Not this year. I'm a happy man today!!! :)
Now it's just a matter of picking and choosing as to what other shooting match Aggergate's aside from the State Shoot Aggregate I will be shooting in. X-Stick for sure is one.
Better watch it, us boys from Mo. will be there to whip it on you.
Hey Frizzen, that's great. Not the whippin' up on me, just the fact you're coming up!
I'll see if I can find you in camp. :)