AmericanLongRifles Forums

General discussion => Black Powder Shooting => Topic started by: kyridgerunner on May 07, 2022, 12:13:13 AM

Title: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: kyridgerunner on May 07, 2022, 12:13:13 AM

Here's a question for you Master and Expert offhand shooters: The question is about the actual aiming technique, not breathing, stance, sight alignment etc. All of which are very important of course but there's reams of info about those particular parts of the offhand shooting procedure.

So the question is: do you physically hold the sights on target while breaking the shot. That is - use muscles to keep the sights on target - or just relax your body and let the rifle and sights naturally settle on the target. 

Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: poppy on May 07, 2022, 01:03:59 AM
you must keep sights on target and smoothly squeeze the trigger  ,hold through .
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: B.Habermehl on May 07, 2022, 01:10:53 AM
My method for the 2 cents it worth. Find your natural stance, feet shoulder width apart. Raise the rifle to shoulder with eyes shut, you will find a natural comfort spot. Open your eyes. Adjust your feet to align this with the target. Repeat as necessary. Raise the rifle, establish your sight picture. The gun will never really stop moving. Nothing matters but the sight picture. Squeeze when ready, continue aiming throughout the recoil, resettle on the target. Hold for a count to three. The follow through is every thing. If the shot doesn’t fall as my mental picture of the sight alignment says usually it’s due to a defect in my follow through. Or consciously pulling the trigger. The trigger break should be a surprise. There’s two cents worth. BJH
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Tim Ault on May 07, 2022, 01:40:19 AM
Fully agree with BJH find your natural point of aim  learned this when I shot NRA high power  quite a few years ago and I’ll second that follow through is everything with black powder guns
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: kyridgerunner on May 07, 2022, 03:32:35 AM

Thanks everyone - but - the question was: do you physically hold the sights on the target. Guess I'm not communicating to well here. Poppy said " you must keep your sights on target", Okay,  I agree, but how are you "keeping " you sights on target? Are you physically and constantly controlling the movement of the barrel to keep those sights on target until you break the shot. Or do you just let the barrel/sights float around without any physical input on your part? Does that make sense?
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: poppy on May 07, 2022, 03:49:18 AM
practice shooting offhand, one handed with a pistol, it will teach you alot about what it takes to hold the shot.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Daryl on May 07, 2022, 03:49:26 AM
Taylor can usually hold on the centre of the bull. I cannot and must "catch" it on the way by. This realy screws things up with slow lock times as on flintlocks.  Probably why I am not as good an offhand shot, as he is.(of course that's the only reason he's a better shot than I am ::))
Holding on the bud, takes muscle pressure & muscle coordination.
Now, on top of that, are positions, ie: rifle mounting procedure.
Offhand position = shooting off the hands. We have had a contest where the director of that match, stated at the meeting prior to the match, shooting must be off the hands, no body resting of the 'other' hand, elbow or whatever. So, no Olympic-type position, no elbow resting against the body, or on a hip for short torso people.
Standing allows any offhand (off the hands) or body resting position you want.
Most of us shoot off the hands, while others prefer body resting and even I've seen some fellows cranking their off-hand, backwards for some strange reason. For me, (yes I tried it) it causes strain in the wrist, which is not beneficial to my shooting.
Body resting of any sort is hard on the lower back, thus I shoot off my hands, generally. However, rifles that are a little on the muzzle-light side, sometimes the body resting with the hand under the lock, helps as it increases the weight ahead of that hand.

Offhand - shooting off the hands:

( (

Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Flint62Smoothie on May 07, 2022, 04:42:48 AM
Whereas I shoot offhand exclusively, less load development, there is MORE to offhand shooting than just the rifle itself, in fact I would rate it LAST on this list of everything I've added here. Now I do shoot modern highpower shooting offhand to 200-yards weekly, but I also shoot black powder cartridge Schuetzen rifles, weighing to 14-pounds, out to 200-yards routinely. I am now practicing with my 50-cal flint longrifle out to 100-yards weekly, for the upcoming NE Flintlock contest to be held in Maine this Summer. And case in point to where I say your rifle choice per se isn't the biggest asset here for offhand shooting competence, at the weekly Winter milsurp shoots, I shot 3 different rifles, one over 150-years old, and I still placed amongst the top scorers,

Offhand Shooting Reading - For me, I have found the BEST articles/info to be from numerous sources, like that by the famed barrrel maker Harry Pope on offhand shooting - see link here:
"Off Hand Rifle Shooting" by H.M. Pope. Harry was of slight build, barely weighing 120-pounds, yet he shot a 14-pound rifle and one record group shot at 200-yards offhand, with black powder loads no less, still stands to this day!

Also the books on highpower shooting by M/Sgt Jim 'Jarhead' Owens - see link here: Home Page
Welcome to Jim Owens' This site is dedicated to the High Power shooting enthusiast, providing articles, tips, products, and instructional material for both the beginner and the veteran shooter.
In particular, his books and info on aiming and establishing the Natural Point of Aim (NPA) are worth their weight in gold. I've taken shooters who 'think' they know how to shoot, teach them to correctly establish their NPA before they shoot and they routinely add 10-points to their score!

Now worldwide, the generally accepted 'Bible' on competitive shooting is the book by A.A. Yur’yev called Competitive Shooting: Techniques and Training for Rifle, Pistol, and Running Game Target Shooting.

Offhand Practice - I'd recommend 3 things before you even hit the range with your flintlock. (1) Get a good quality, pre-charged, gas, or single pump air pellet rifle and shoot in your basement or garage constantly. Practice with a purpose! The Daisy 853, available refurbished for $100, from the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), is a phenomenal value to 'learn' how to really shoot. It will group better than you can. See link here:

Sporter Air Rifles - Civilian Marksmanship Program
Sporter air rifles are characterized by their light weight, low cost and basic target features. We offer several varieties for purchase.

(2) Practice picking up your flint rifle, with a wooden flint in the jaws, a few times a week and cheeking it and getting into your offhand stance until you can do it and be on target in you sleep. Your stance is crucial to good offhand shooting for a string of shots, again - the NPA. Anyone can hold a rifle and shoot 1 or 2 good shots ... but try for 10 or 20 in a row, like we offhand shooters do. If you have a good quality lock, do some dry firing with the wooden flint - stay on target and focus. At the range with BP arms, I see too many drop their musket/rifle right at the shot to see if they hit ... which always causes a miss ...

(3) All your focus MUST be on that front sight! I am left-handed, but do own and shoot RH'd black powdah arms and I have never, ever, evah seen the pan flash from RH'd firelocks, flint or matchlocks! Why? Again ... because I'm not looking there ... as all my focus in consistently and completely on that front sight THROUGH the shot and into the folllow-through. Learn to focus ALL the way through the shot, learn to call your shots - like that went 'high left' - as that means YOU knew where the front sight was as the trigger broke.

Learn the 'proper' way to shoot sir and you can shoot anything! Good shooting is quite simply eliminating 'bad shots'. For in the end - NOTHING ... nothing beats trigger time'! And that does NOT have to be live fire with firelocks to achieve it ...
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: alacran on May 07, 2022, 02:35:39 PM
Every thing Flint62Smothie says is right on. Mostly you have to stay inside your sights as little else matters. Practice Practice Practice.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: MuskratMike on May 07, 2022, 03:38:54 PM
All these suggestions are spot on. Even when you get old like me with bad eyes and shaky hands there is no substitute for proper technique and practice.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: kyridgerunner on May 07, 2022, 05:58:06 PM
Hey Guys. I really do appreciate all the input and advise.

Flintlock62smoothie:  I just ordered that book by A.A. Yur’yev and I'll check out Jim Owens website.

Daryl: Thanks. You did touch on answering my question. Sounds like Taylor physically , for lack of a better description, holds on target.

In spite of all that good advise I'm still looking for an answer to my question: do the top shooters physically and constantly hold their sights on target? Or do they just let the sights kind of drift around, maybe in that much sought after figure 8 movement, and either break the shot when it comes into the target or use area hold and just squeeze it off.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Stoner creek on May 07, 2022, 06:34:03 PM
The sights are held steady on the target. Sight pictures may vary from person to person. You will see the seasoned shooters put the gun down after a few seconds and the steady hold starts getting wobbly. Shoot the heaviest gun that you can stand. When my shots are breaking best that front sight is steady on the 10 ring. At 64 I’m happy that I can still see the 10 ring at 25 yards whilst the gun is shouldered.
The only time that I have ever intentionally shot the other way is on clay birds or feathers.
 If you’re a Kentucky boy, come and shoot with the Kentucky’s Corps of Longriflemen. You can learn from the best. We shoot all over the State. PM me and I can get you started.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: kyridgerunner on May 08, 2022, 12:11:07 AM

Thanks everyone.

Stoner Creek I just might take you up on that offer. I'll be home in KY from mid June until around the end of Nov. PM me a contact number or something.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Stoner creek on May 08, 2022, 01:29:10 AM
You’ve got it.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Daryl on May 08, 2022, 03:33:32 AM
One thing about attending a shoot and observing, you will see a variety of "styles" to emulate.
"Addressing the target with eyes closed, then opening them", will get your feet in the correct position
so you don't torque the rifle, has been addressed. It is a good suggestion. Doing 'things' that work,
over and over until they become habit, is good stuff.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Tony N on May 08, 2022, 05:05:47 PM
The sights are held steady on the target. Sight pictures may vary from person to person. You will see the seasoned shooters put the gun down after a few seconds and the steady hold starts getting wobbly. Shoot the heaviest gun that you can stand. When my shots are breaking best that front sight is steady on the 10 ring. At 64 I’m happy that I can still see the 10 ring at 25 yards whilst the gun is shouldered.
The only time that I have ever intentionally shot the other way is on clay birds or feathers.
 If you’re a Kentucky boy, come and shoot with the Kentucky’s Corps of Longriflemen. You can learn from the best. We shoot all over the State. PM me and I can get you started.
Wayne, I live in northern Ky and would be interested in observing or possibly shooting in one of your shoots

Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Terry Reynolds on May 08, 2022, 06:45:30 PM
The sights are held steady on the target. Sight pictures may vary from person to person. You will see the seasoned shooters put the gun down after a few seconds and the steady hold starts getting wobbly. Shoot the heaviest gun that you can stand. When my shots are breaking best that front sight is steady on the 10 ring. At 64 I’m happy that I can still see the 10 ring at 25 yards whilst the gun is shouldered.
The only time that I have ever intentionally shot the other way is on clay birds or feathers.
 If you’re a Kentucky boy, come and shoot with the Kentucky’s Corps of Longriflemen. You can learn from the best. We shoot all over the State. PM me and I can get you started.
Wayne, I live in northern Ky and would be interested in observing or possibly shooting in one of your shoots


So would I Wayne!!!

Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Terry Reynolds on May 08, 2022, 07:01:20 PM
Read this again from Flint62Smoothie.........good advice. In my earlier years of high-power shooting my scores really improved once I focused on that front sight and follow through.....and they improved quickly. If the target is not fuzzy you are not focusing on the front sight.

(3) All your focus MUST be on that front sight! I am left-handed, but do own and shoot RH'd black powdah arms and I have never, ever, evah seen the pan flash from RH'd firelocks, flint or matchlocks! Why? Again ... because I'm not looking there ... as all my focus in consistently and completely on that front sight THROUGH the shot and into the folllow-through. Learn to focus ALL the way through the shot, learn to call your shots - like that went 'high left' - as that means YOU knew where the front sight was as the trigger broke.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Stoner creek on May 08, 2022, 08:25:12 PM
The sights are held steady on the target. Sight pictures may vary from person to person. You will see the seasoned shooters put the gun down after a few seconds and the steady hold starts getting wobbly. Shoot the heaviest gun that you can stand. When my shots are breaking best that front sight is steady on the 10 ring. At 64 I’m happy that I can still see the 10 ring at 25 yards whilst the gun is shouldered.
The only time that I have ever intentionally shot the other way is on clay birds or feathers.
 If you’re a Kentucky boy, come and shoot with the Kentucky’s Corps of Longriflemen. You can learn from the best. We shoot all over the State. PM me and I can get you started.
Wayne, I live in northern Ky and would be interested in observing or possibly shooting in one of your shoots


So would I Wayne!!!


 You can go to the Corps website, and see our shoot dates and locations. I suppose that you could search Kentucky’s Corps of Longriflemen and get the same results.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: D. Taylor Sapergia on May 08, 2022, 09:21:16 PM
To directly answer the op's question, I deliberately hold the rifle to align the sights and the centre of the bull and make every attempt to not allow the sights to move away from the centre.  It is my experience that all this must occur within the first few seconds of the shot, otherwise, fatigue and eye strain interfere and one must start over after a brief rest.
In my mind, I try to watch the ball go through the centre of the bull.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Mike Brooks on May 08, 2022, 09:33:20 PM
Here's how I do it. When ever the sights wobble past the bull I Jerk the trigger. Works for me.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Jeff Murray on May 08, 2022, 11:50:54 PM
Some great ideas above.  If your rifle is sighted in for a "Center" hold, that is what you want to see when the charge ignites.  The Yuryev book is excellent.  Muzzleloading Shooting and Winning with the Champions by Max Vickery et. al is also a good ML focused book if you can find it.  Dry firing with a wood flint on a regular basis will help you get used to the lock action.  If you put a target with a small bullseye on the wall you will also be able to practice your follow through and see where the sights are focused when the wood flint falls.  This will tell you if your follow through is good, if your trigger squeeze was smooth, and if you drop the muzzle as the flint falls.  This type of practice helps build muscle and mental memory which gives you better consistency.  It also helps you "learn" your trigger.  Five or ten dry shots a day won't take much time but will make a difference if done consistently.   If you are managing your breathing while shooting, you have about 5 to 7 seconds of air to discharge your shot under optimum conditions.
 That is why you will see experienced shooters take their rifle down and start the process over as noted above.  If you try to force it much longer you will likely end up trying to snatch the shot while chasing the bull and end up wide.  Last and most boring thought, exercise will help minimize fatigue if you shoot a long match, particularly with a heavy barrel.  It all depends on how serious you are.  Don't forget to have fun. 
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Daryl on May 09, 2022, 12:06:08 AM
The very best offhand target I ever shot, was with a 22 pound rifle. As the sights dropped straight down, from 12 o'clock across the target, all I had to do was squeeze it off at the right time. It worked, but was very fatiguing to shoot - 10 shots. I was only 24 or 25 years old when I did that.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Darkhorse on May 09, 2022, 10:25:54 AM
I try to hold my sights on the bullseye. However my barrel is moving and the sights go with it, most people describe it as a figure 8, so I shoot when the sights cross the bullseye.
I once shot a lot of matches but now I'm just a hunter and that means I must shoot from many positions, seldom from my natural point of aim. My most important skill is the ability to focus on the front sight and really burn it into my target before firing the shot.
I think the rifle does matter for some of us. I shoot rifles I build and I build them where when mounted the rifle naturally is aiming at the target.
Mastering shooting using your natural point of aim goes a long way when on foot in the hunting field.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: kyridgerunner on May 10, 2022, 03:20:01 AM
Once again thanks to all that responded. I truly appreciate it.

 D. Taylor Sapergia: I'm working on that technique now. It looks good while dry firing. For about 5 seconds I can pretty much hold it dead center. Time and practice will tell if I shoot better.

Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Scota4570 on May 13, 2022, 07:03:44 PM
So the question is: do you physically hold the sights on target while breaking the shot.

 That is - use muscles to keep the sights on target - or just relax your body and let the rifle and sights naturally settle on the target.

I may have missed it in the previous posts.  Never use your muscles, use bone structure, your left elbow should be against your rib cage.  It is popular to hold the the rifle way forward with the left hand.  This is no good for accurate shooting. 

The front sight will never settle on the target.  Squeeze more when it looks good, stop when it drifts off.  On a good day lead the drift so the trigger breaks in the center. 

Sight your rifle in for a center hold on the target.  The old school 6 o'clock hold changes depending on the light. 

Follow through and not flinching is huge. 
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: D. Taylor Sapergia on May 13, 2022, 08:41:32 PM
Scota, what you are describing is not offhand shooting as I know it.  Resting your left elbow against the ribs is a body rest, and doesn't qualify for offhand. 
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Scota4570 on May 14, 2022, 12:51:24 AM
Interesting thought.  I was describing how to shoot off hand in CMP service rifle and every other discipline I have participated in.  I have never heard of the shooter's body defined as a supporting surface.  I welcome being set straight.  Since I shoot consistently above 90% in aggregates, I don't want somebody to tell me I am breaking the rules if I go to a big shoot.

The only way for me to avoid the underside of my arm resting on my chest is to hold the rifle way-way out of the forearm.  I see nobody doing that. 

NMLRA 2020rule book

5610–OFFHAND POSITION Standing on both feet, with no
other portion of the body touching the ground or any
other supporting surface. The rifle will be supported by
both hands and one shoulder only. The rifle must lie in
the palm of the forward hand.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: D. Taylor Sapergia on May 14, 2022, 01:27:44 AM
Your NMLRA rule describes exactly what I support other than two hands and a shoulder.  Different events will have different rules.  The NMLRA rule is a valiant attempt to level the field for everyone.
Some shooters are more corpulent than others and will take advantage of a food blister than protrudes enough to create a wonderful rest for the left elbow.  This rule is made to disallow that.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Daryl on May 14, 2022, 01:56:37 AM
The different standing shooting positions, I covered on page 1 of this thread
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Osprey on May 15, 2022, 03:00:20 AM
Your NMLRA rule describes exactly what I support other than two hands and a shoulder.  Different events will have different rules.  The NMLRA rule is a valiant attempt to level the field for everyone.
Some shooters are more corpulent than others and will take advantage of a food blister than protrudes enough to create a wonderful rest for the left elbow.  This rule is made to disallow that.

As a lifelong nitpicker I don't read it like that.  Says two hands and a shoulder supporting the rifle, not where you place your elbows or arms other than one palm under the rifle.  Only that you don't use any ground or foreign support.  If you were double jointed and flexible enough you could shoot a whole lot of ways and still be under 'letter of the law'.  Local shoots of course can make whatever rule they want, but that rule doesn't preclude a close body arm position. 
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: duca on May 15, 2022, 03:54:24 AM
@!*% I can remember making some Awesome off hand shots when I was younger. That's when I had Young Eye's!! we'd spend hours in the woods, what great fun. Now it's a bit of a struggle at time to focus on the sights

Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: alacran on May 15, 2022, 02:29:13 PM
The idea that a rifle may only be supported by the hands seems to be a Rendezvous tradition. For some odd reason.
The Germans have been shooting with the rifle supported against their body since the time of the wheel locks.
Have been shooting rifles in competition, High power CMP matches, High power and small-bore silhouette, three position small bore. Never heard of this rule
until I started shooting at Rendezvous. There is no historical basis for it.
I found it ironic that a Mountainman Rendezvous would have any rules at all as to how a rifle would be shot while standing.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Scota4570 on May 15, 2022, 07:50:17 PM
I sent the question to the NMLRA for clarification. 
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: D. Taylor Sapergia on May 15, 2022, 08:53:04 PM
Someone in the NMLRA, likely under pressure from a shooter that was beaten by a person using a body rest, decided that they'd make the body rest against the rules.  And we've been stuck with the ruling ever since.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: little joe on May 15, 2022, 10:24:07 PM
Here's how I do it. When ever the sights wobble past the bull I Jerk the trigger. Works for me.
Question, how well does this work,

Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: flinchrocket on May 16, 2022, 03:23:43 AM
I have never made a mistake.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: alacran on May 16, 2022, 02:08:25 PM
I just read the rule, 5610 offhand position. It says what Taylor says above, with the addition that the rifle must lay in the palm of the forward hand. It says nothing about how far back or forward on the rifle that forward hand has to be.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Austin on May 16, 2022, 05:52:06 PM
Im new to target shooting, but im not having allot of luck with Mr Brooks method. What size target should I be using? How close should I be standing? I have noticed that I’ve eliminated the need for weedeating below the target base.  Any follow up would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Daryl on May 16, 2022, 11:43:10 PM
When I shot 3-position, it was called "Prone,  Kneeling and Standing, not Offhand. Offhand  to me  "should" mean shooting "off the hands".
In competition shooting, everyone uses body resting of some sort, absolutely, but to me, that is Standing shooting  not offhand.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: MJBush on May 17, 2022, 01:59:05 AM
So, my question is, standing shooting you can lean against a shooting bench, post or any other artificial support and that is standing shooting? Offhand is standing just using your hands?
Now, for some news about me. I am a member of the NMLRA currently I am the Territorial Coordinator, Field Rep Coordinator Region 7, National Range Officer, National Range Officer Instructor. Therefore I might know just a little about the NMLRA rule book.
I have shot at Western Nationals in Phoenix and Friendship any many Territorial’s in Oregon, Idaho, and California.
I have served on protest committees and Range Officer at the local, state and National level.
Kinda, what I am saying is I have never had a complaint when someone ‘ rested ‘ their elbow on the side (belly).
However,I have disqualified people for leaning against an artificial support. On guy wore a wide belt and stuck a ramrod into the belt to help stabilize his offhand stance.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: smylee grouch on May 17, 2022, 04:41:28 AM
Michael, what about shooting from a wheel chair or walker, would that be considered OK for off hand?
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: MJBush on May 17, 2022, 05:55:08 AM
I know there are allowances made for shooters who have special needs. There was a man in Idaho with one leg who used a stool for offhand, BTW he shot x stick’s sitting on the ground and got up with out help every time.
At Friendship, I think there is a committee. If someone is a shooting at a event I am running I will make sure to help any way I can.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: alacran on May 17, 2022, 02:35:05 PM
I believe the offhand rule 5610, was intended to disallow palm rests. Palm rests are allowed in shuetzen matches. A palm rest does allow you to rest your elbow on your torso. Interestingly the rule says nothing about a hand stop on the forearm.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: smylee grouch on May 17, 2022, 04:15:18 PM
Thanks Michael. I know the fellow you spoke of as he shot at the Western Nationals along with one or two others.  :) Flintlocks Forever
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Daryl on May 17, 2022, 07:29:26 PM
There is one aspect of rules that will remain forever. Someone will always attempt to twist/change or circumvent the letter of the rule to his or her advantage, whether real or imagined..
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Squints on May 17, 2022, 09:43:34 PM
Been trying for years to learn how to shoot the blasted things offhand, but still can't shoot a one hole group at 50 yards.

Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: snapper on May 17, 2022, 10:05:04 PM
Get yourself Lanny Basshams book "With wining in mind".

Everyone makes a good point and it is just like everything else.  We each have our own ways.

Holding on target is easy for a second or two, it is after that when you have more movement.  Also depends on the weight of the rifle and your sights.   For me a heavier rifle is easier to hold on target, less movement.

At times taking the shot is simply when you get the sight picture and shoot.   Other times you are taking the shot as the sight passes over the target.   I think this depends a great deal on the shooter, their ability and personality.

Breaking the shot should be subconsciously happening.  Forcing the shot works sometime and sometimes not.

I picked up my "snapper" handle based on a couple of things.   One is I tend to shoulder the rifle and shoot quickly.  I get the sight picture I want and simply shoot.  I suppose that is a learned response from shooting at thousands of sparrows and mice  growing up on the farm.

Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Daryl on May 18, 2022, 12:20:03 AM
Fleener, "snap" shooting (shooting quickly) is also easier with set triggers.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: little joe on May 18, 2022, 12:51:16 AM
Been trying for years to learn how to shoot the blasted things offhand, but still can't shoot a one hole group at 50 yards.

Thats showing off  . ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Scota4570 on May 18, 2022, 03:10:34 AM
I contacted David DeLong,  NMLRA Range Officer Committee Chair

I asked him to clarify the rule, the following is pasted from our emails. 

Scot,  “To clarify, is it compliant with NMLRA Rule 5610 when a shooter allows his arm/elbow to be supported by his torso?
David,  “ Yes Scot, many of the high scoring shooters use their torso. It is bone strength versus muscle strength.”
Scot,  “Do I have your permission to share this information on the American Long Rifle Forum?
David, “Yes you do.”
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Squints on May 18, 2022, 03:18:01 AM
Naw, this is showing off.  First shot on the left target is high because I got distracted by a diamondback rattlebug.  ;D

Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Daryl on May 18, 2022, 08:27:27 PM
Cool! I've never seen red "centres" on a B27 target before.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: bob in the woods on May 18, 2022, 08:53:35 PM
I guess now is the time to mention using a shooting jacket  ;D
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Scota4570 on May 19, 2022, 01:39:59 AM
2350–SHOOTING JACKETS Shooting jackets up to and
including a large- or small-bore jacket of standard
weight will be allowed in all matches except musket
matches or as otherwise stated for a particular match.
Leather or international cinch type jackets are not

I never considered it.  It looks like I have been handicapping myself unnecessarily. 
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Squints on May 19, 2022, 04:54:41 AM
Cool! I've never seen red "centres" on a B27 target before.

The targets were what the range was selling that day, I’ve not seen them since.  Funny thing about the day I shot those targets.  4-5 punks showed up about the same time and set up their targets.  Came time to shoot and they pulled out their AR’s and I pulled out my relic.  One of them started laughing and said some unkind things.  The line went hot. He ran about 50 rounds thru his AR and I did the target on the left first. Line cold, we all went to the targets.  He had cut paper with one shot.  His buddies saw my target and started laughing at him.  He got all angry, packed up and left.  I shot the second target and called it a day.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Pukka Bundook on May 19, 2022, 04:41:41 PM
Good on yer, Squints!
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: BillF/TRF on May 19, 2022, 07:03:57 PM
Cool! I've never seen red "centres" on a B27 target before.

The targets were what the range was selling that day, I’ve not seen them since.  Funny thing about the day I shot those targets.  4-5 punks showed up about the same time and set up their targets.  Came time to shoot and they pulled out their AR’s and I pulled out my relic.  One of them started laughing and said some unkind things.  The line went hot. He ran about 50 rounds thru his AR and I did the target on the left first. Line cold, we all went to the targets.  He had cut paper with one shot.  His buddies saw my target and started laughing at him.  He got all angry, packed up and left.  I shot the second target and called it a day.

What about the use of strap on recoil pads?  Would they be allowed on NMLRA and rendezvous ranges?
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Scota4570 on May 20, 2022, 09:34:34 PM
Strap on recoil pads??

Rule 2350 allows shooting jackets, which have a built in pad.  I see no reason that the strap on ones would be disallowed.  A strap on pad will increase the length of pull.   For me, that is not helpful unless the stock is made short enough.

Most of these question can be answered in the rule book.  IF you have a decent PDF reader you can search the word that interest you and it comes right up in the document. 

Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Daryl on May 23, 2022, 04:08:31 AM
What about the use of strap on recoil pads?  Would they be allowed on NMLRA and rendezvous ranges?

Bill, I had to wear one for a couple years, shooting anything but the .32. This was due to torn cartilage fore and aft in my right shoulder.
No one said anything at rendezvous about it. Of course, I was mostly shooting my match rifle. ;D ::)
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Standing Bear on May 23, 2022, 04:38:13 PM
Adding to Murray comment above. I WAS taking my deep breath as I mounted the rifle but learned to mount then fidget then start breathing technique.

Medium deep breath slow exhale 2-3 x. In mid exhale want front sight to drop to or slightly thru the X.  I’ve quit using my set trigger and start the harder squeeze before the front sight hits the black at 12 o’clock.
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Seth Isaacson on May 27, 2022, 06:00:44 PM
"I consider that when we say 'offhand' we ought to mean that the marksman shall use nothing except himself and his weapon, and with them only form his rest as he pleases ; having a perfect right to stand up and off-hand clean, hip, or rib his elbow, but he must not bring in and use any extraneous help, such as wipers, ram- rods, sticks, or come the 'Mississipi dodge' by having a jointed rest attached to his body, and running along his left arm, and by a simple movement making it as stiff as if mesmerized or case-hardened." - Instructions to Young Marksmen by John Ratcliffe Chapman, 1848
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Daryl on May 29, 2022, 01:44:52 AM
Well, that's then(in that area at that time), this is now. Times & rules change.
What it amounts to what is actually allowed, is dictated by THOSE putting on the matches.
Some matches where we shoot, allow body resting, others do not.  Follow the rules or don't shoot.
Shoot and not follow the rules as some competitors did at the WPFGames in 1989, and be disqualified- that happened.
(World Police & Fire Games)  A team of those who followed the rules, won (even beating those who didn't who were disqualified).
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: wolf on June 14, 2022, 03:19:56 AM
( one of my best off hand 3 shot group at 50yds. it takes getting your mind right,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Daryl on June 14, 2022, 06:58:48 AM
That's nice. Well done.
Are you entering this month's postal match?
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: Leatherbark on June 16, 2022, 12:27:23 PM
Regarding shooting jackets and the NMLRA at Friendship. There are some matches that I shoot in that say for instance "Offhand Flint Hunting Rifle Unjacketed" or something to that effect. I always thought no jacket. Unless they mean unjacketed bullet? 
Some people have those fancy shooting jackets that looks like it stiffens up the torso.  And some guys I see have a wrangler type jeans jacket that looks too small for them.  I wondered why they wore them in the heat of the summer. .............Bob
Title: Re: Offhand Shooting Technique
Post by: George Sutton on June 16, 2022, 04:16:22 PM
Once in position I take 2 deep breaths exhale then I take a 3rd breath let it halfway out let the rifle settle and release the shot