AmericanLongRifles Forums

General discussion => Contemporary Accoutrements => Topic started by: RichG on December 10, 2023, 07:44:58 PM

Title: bone for spouts etc.
Post by: RichG on December 10, 2023, 07:44:58 PM
where do you get bone for turning spouts for horns and ball bags and such?
Title: Re: bone for spouts etc.
Post by: Jim Spray on December 10, 2023, 07:55:14 PM
I believe most guys use antler. Axis is great, moose is also good, Elk, and then whitetail. Mule deer is not the best antler for turning.
Title: Re: bone for spouts etc.
Post by: Daryl on December 10, 2023, 08:52:39 PM
Buffalo and bison and large black solid cow horn ends are good as well.
Title: Re: bone for spouts etc.
Post by: Tim Crosby on December 10, 2023, 10:28:09 PM
 Depends on what style of horn you are working on. If you are talking about Southern horns 99% of what you see is Antler. Mostly applied, pinned to the horn but sometimes you will see a screw tip. Here is a Tutorial on making one, next time I make one I will update it

 Here are a few more:

 ( (

 Here's a couple more, screw tips using cow horn for both the collar and tip:

 Any questions I will try and asnwer.

  Tim C.

Title: Re: bone for spouts etc.
Post by: RichG on December 12, 2023, 03:40:43 AM
ok, anybody sell useful chunks of antler? Only deer I've ever shot with antlers big enough is on the wall.
Title: Re: bone for spouts etc.
Post by: Tim Crosby on December 12, 2023, 05:36:42 PM
ok, anybody sell useful chunks of antler? Only deer I've ever shot with antlers big enough is on the wall.

 Flea markets are good places to find antler, stay away from the dried out white stuff. Prices are all over the place but if you look around you can find good stuff. Here is a possibility:

 But you are better off having it in hand so you can look it over.

Title: Re: bone for spouts etc.
Post by: dstock on December 13, 2023, 04:00:21 AM
Rich you asked about bone. Look in the grocery store meat section sometimes they will have small bags of bone hanging on a rack. Look in your local pet store and you will find small packs used  for dog chews. Don't know if these will be of use to you but they are a source for small packs but some of the packs will contain some rather large pieces. Hope this helps.

 PS: Ask the people working the meat counter they might be able to supply larger bones.
Title: Re: bone for spouts etc.
Post by: Pukka Bundook on December 13, 2023, 07:46:45 AM
Best antler is Sambar.  V solid. no porous core.

Great for sword hilts.  Walrus tusks  used to be favourites but hard to find now.
Title: Re: bone for spouts etc.
Post by: bigsmoke on December 13, 2023, 09:25:58 AM
I just got some moose tines from Moscow Hide and Fur to use as horn tips.  They are kinda small, looks like I will have to go with a 1/2" tenon and hole for an applied tip.
Crazy Crow and Powder Horns and More sell horn rolls, but the price is getting up there.  The good news is you can get two tips out of one roll.  TELL THEM YOU DON'T WANT ANY BLEMISHES IN THE HORN, IT CAN RUIN A LOT OF GOOD WORK.

John (Bigsmoke)