AmericanLongRifles Forums

General discussion => Black Powder Shooting => Topic started by: D. Taylor Sapergia on January 02, 2017, 06:55:04 AM

Title: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: D. Taylor Sapergia on January 02, 2017, 06:55:04 AM
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Well, it's been a while since I posted one of these.  A few of us assembled today to shoot our trail, cook some dogs in the club house and have a beer.  The temperature is -9 C or 18 in Foreignheat, and we have about six inches of the white stuff in the woods, a foot in the meadow.  What a beauty of a day!
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Tim Crosby on January 02, 2017, 04:36:55 PM
 Good looking group, I'll bet a fine time was had by all. Looks like you have a death grip on that rifle or did your hands freeze to it :D

  Tim C.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: D. Taylor Sapergia on January 02, 2017, 08:31:46 PM
It kind of looks like I'm trying to protect it from these guys, but the fact is, of the six rifles in the image, I built five of them.  Starting on the right, Isaac Haines .54 cal x 42" bbl, Andrew Verner .50 cal x 48" bbl, Sam Hawken .54 cal 34" bbl, Jacob Kuntz .40 cal x 44" bbl, Baker .62 cal x 32" bbl.  The fellow on the far left owns one of my last rifles - a nice flint Jake Hawken .50 cal, but he's babying it, and was using his GPR .54 today.  My somewhat awkward pose resulted from just having run fifteen yards through the snow while the camera counted down it's ten seconds.
Today it's -20 C so it was good to get the shoot in yesterday.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Joe S. on January 02, 2017, 09:06:16 PM
Looks like a good time with fine friends, wonderful way to bring in the new year!
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: hanshi on January 02, 2017, 09:36:31 PM
 8) Taylor, I stared at that picture for several moments and then it hit me!  Your group looks like a line-up of some gents I arrested when I was a cop back in the 1970s.  ;D
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Molly on January 03, 2017, 01:13:06 AM
Odd, alcohol and firearms are not allowed in my "club".
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Joe S. on January 03, 2017, 01:25:20 AM
what are you drinking and shooting then? :D
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: D. Taylor Sapergia on January 03, 2017, 02:04:14 AM
Molly, I know that there are clubs where alcohol is not permitted on the grounds, but that is not the case at our club.  Once shooting is over, and the firearms are safely stored, we can pop a can of beer.  Shooting is thus suspended for the rest of the day for those who have consumed liquor...them's the rules.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: D. Taylor Sapergia on January 03, 2017, 02:07:34 AM
Hanshi:  Daryl ( second from the right) and I were both RCMP members in the seventies, and I cannot say that I ever had the pleasure of arresting such a distinguished looking group, and never one that was so well armed.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Joe S. on January 03, 2017, 02:19:54 AM
And I was making a little light of the subject.The club around here you can go from the range to the bar but never from the bar to the range,thems the rules too.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Molly on January 03, 2017, 04:44:35 PM
I'm pokin' a little fun here as well.  But never under any circumstances is any alcohol allowed on our range property and never have I been aware of any violations.  We do however seem to tolerate some degree of "medication" use and we do have far to many borderline nut cases in my opinion.  Naturally some members may consider me one such nut case.  I am also aware of many, dare I say most, "hunting clubs" (men who grow beards and refuse to take a bath during hunting season and go out to live in a dilapidated structure or tent for the purpose of shooting some fuzzy critter) that are really cloaked mass drinking events.  One such member recently told me his contribution to the hunt club pantry was a dozen eggs, a pound of sausage and 4 cases of beer.

Enjoy yer selves boys, and don't eat the yellow snow.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Bob Roller on January 03, 2017, 05:16:59 PM
Molly, I know that there are clubs where alcohol is not permitted on the grounds, but that is not the case at our club.  Once shooting is over, and the firearms are safely stored, we can pop a can of beer.  Shooting is thus suspended for the rest of the day for those who have consumed liquor...them's the rules.

A can of beer on a hot day after a match is a therapy. Before a match,not so good.
I remember a BPCR match in Kentucky about 20 years ago when a fellow showed up
with a 40-65 and 45-70 ammo. That worked itself out rather well.

Bob Roller
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: bob in the woods on January 03, 2017, 06:40:01 PM
If the reverse had happened [ 45-70 with 40-65 ammo ], I wonder how many rounds it would have taken for him to notice  ;D
The folks I shoot with are all responsible adults, and have figured out that shooting and drinking don't mix.  Unfortunately, some will never get that , and I just don't shoot or hunt with them anymore.  Taylor, your group looks a lot like the bunch I shoot with, only we have some females as well. Sometimes you can tell us apart....but not always .
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: D. Taylor Sapergia on January 03, 2017, 08:28:29 PM
Over the years we have been lucky enough to have several women shoot with us, one of which is Kim, pictured here.  You will not meet a more enthusiastic black powder shooter.  Unfortunately for us, she married a fellow and moved away from our town.  She has purchased a Kibler kit and we are trying to make a date to put it together one of these days.  I'll keep you posted on the progress of that project when it comes to fruition.

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Kim and I on her wedding day...
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Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: snapper on January 04, 2017, 03:34:44 AM
Does Taylor always take the same pose for every picture?

Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: snapper on January 04, 2017, 03:41:47 AM
My mistake I meant Daryl, not Taylor.

Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Daryl on January 04, 2017, 09:26:31 PM
Pretty much, but not always.

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Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: deepcreekdale on January 04, 2017, 10:44:40 PM
I am envious. Here in northern Florida, it was 80 and muggy on New Years. But I bet my toes aren't unhappy they were not walking around in snow though. Nice pictures. thanks for posting.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: bones92 on January 05, 2017, 12:22:00 AM
Great photos.  Half the reason I like muzzleloading is the good people you meet in this hobby.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Matthew1969 on January 05, 2017, 07:19:15 AM
Great post! Nice pics! A "gang" of armed men I would be happy to associate with. Matt.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Daryl on January 06, 2017, 12:23:52 AM
And us with you, Matt.

Had a trap shoot a couple summers ago.

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then normal stuff
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My late buddy brad, shooting the flying goose! this was New Years day, 7 or 8 years ago. -14C & snowing, but nice to be out with friends.

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Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Vomitus on January 06, 2017, 02:12:42 AM
Great buncha pictures, some I've never seen. Thx, guys!   Who's the guy with the perfect form? lol

Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Maven on January 07, 2017, 04:59:14 PM
Taylor, Not only wonderful pics, but also so fortunate to have so dedicated a group!  Although my club has BP shooters and ample room for a woods walk, it rarely sponsors even an informal shoot.  These days they're preoccupied with "black rifle" shooting or using modern, unmentionable ML's with all that entails.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Bob Roller on January 07, 2017, 05:09:33 PM
Pretty much, but not always.

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Looks like the Assembly of Honorable and Trustworthy Men to me.
As I write this it is a tropical 8 degrees here in the part of the Ohio
Valley I live in. That would be 24 below 0 in the Provinces I think.

Bob Roller
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Daryl on January 07, 2017, 10:29:06 PM
Since -18C is 0F, 8F would be about -15 "in the Provinces"- just a guess & that is what it is today.  Have to go to the R&G club to put up some new target stands on the General handgun range. I'll be gone from the 10th to 25th - West & a mite South of here.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Marcruger on January 08, 2017, 02:34:23 AM
That looks like so much fun and friendship Taylor.  I wish I lived nearby......well, at least in summer months.   ;-) 

My great uncle used to hunt Fleming Lake in BC.  I have a set of his moose antlers over my fireplace even now. 

I have a friend of Norwegian descent who fished out of Prince Rupert.  His dad had moved there from northern Norway to get a better climate! 

Your lovely friend sure looks attached to you sir.   :-) 

Best wishes,   Marc
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Daryl on January 08, 2017, 08:01:15 AM
Here's another young lady, shooting her Full Stock Hawken - .58.

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Here's one of Kim shooting her .50 flinter.

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Another one of Jodi shooting her FS Hawken .58.

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Yes - the orange fox target is down that shooting lane 92 yards away.

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Sometimes the foliage makes seeing the targets a bit more difficult- especially after firing - for a while if no wind in the bush.

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Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Daryl on January 08, 2017, 08:11:39 AM
On this one- you can see a dark stump in the snow- about 95 yards away. Above that dark stump, is an orange bunny- about the size of snowshoe hare, hanging on a chain. It is not a large target, yet some times, most everyone in the group will smack it.   At one of our rendezvous, everyone in the SB group ahead of us hit it - all 6 of them.

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Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Marcruger on January 08, 2017, 03:52:42 PM
Gracious!  Some good-shooting folks in lovely countryside.  Best wishes,   Marc
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: JBJ on January 08, 2017, 06:50:59 PM
Ditto re the good shooting! After looking at all of that snow, this old southern boy is going to put another chunk in the stove.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Daryl on January 08, 2017, 08:51:48 PM
LOL- we've been told it's a hard course - certainly more 90 to 110yard targets than any other I've shot. Practice is good.  The late Elmer Keith once noted, hitting at "long range" is purely accidental.  If you practice at those ranges, you'll have more long range accidents than someone who doesn't.

Elmer was referring to shooting handguns, but his statement holds for rifles as well, of course.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: hanshi on January 08, 2017, 11:25:41 PM
I know my old eyes couldn't pick out the fox or the bunny in the pics; and probably not on the ground, either.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Daryl on January 09, 2017, 03:18:44 AM
If you use a PC - hold the ctrl button down and roll the scroll wheel on the mouse, or press the + key.  Pressing the - key while holding the ctrl button down will reduce the size. Holding the ctrl button down and pressing the zero key: 0, will return your screen to it's original size.

The fox, a mere 92 yards is actually not a difficult target. Due to the 'glow' of the paint, most people think it's a coyote - It's about 50% smaller than a coyote should be.

Even if you use the scroll wheel on the mouse to increase or decrease the picture/page size, holding the ctrl button and pressing the 0 key will return the page to it's proper size.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: hanshi on January 09, 2017, 07:14:36 PM
Finally saw it; it worked.  Thanks, Daryl.
Title: Re: On any New Year's Day!
Post by: Daryl on January 09, 2017, 08:45:01 PM
Welcome- on the rabbit target and using the enlarging feature, you can easily see the stump or log end with the snow on it, then above that is a vertical black line. That is the bunny target and it's chain. It is on a fairly severe angle- sometimes if just doesn't stop square to the shooting line - of well - "it's YOUR shot, shoot them as they lay"! >:( :o :-\