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Depends on where and when. Post 1840 many halfstock rifles were using manufactured barrels made to standard dimensions.
Gun Building / Re: Finished Chambers Fowler
« Last post by Kalhoon on Today at 05:31:44 PM »
verry very nice
Items for Sale/Wanted / Re: Want to engage a rifle maker
« Last post by Gus on Today at 05:11:35 PM »
Beautiful rifle Brian.
Black Powder Shooting / Re: 8 pt with the Bruton
« Last post by smylee grouch on Today at 05:02:59 PM »
Nice Deer, Nice Rifle and Great photo. That would make a great Greeting Card photo for next year.  ;)
Gun Building / Re: First effort
« Last post by rich pierce on Today at 05:00:25 PM »
Traditional and “stick” bow making is harder in some ways as far as shaping is concerned because it not only has to yield a desired for but bend as desired. Inletting will be a new skill for you but you’re used to taking little steps and checking the results. Glad you’re taking up building from a blank.
Black Powder Shooting / Re: 8 pt with the Bruton
« Last post by Nordnecker on Today at 04:55:09 PM »
Good on you.
Gun Building / Re: First effort
« Last post by smylee grouch on Today at 04:54:47 PM »
Welcome Pearl. Looks like your off to a good start and if you have any questions along  the way  and you probably will you are in good hands on this site please ask. Happy New Year and Best Wishes.   :)
Gun Building / First effort
« Last post by PEARL DRUMS on Today at 04:07:42 PM »
New guy here. I have posted a few times. I put a .54 Kibler together last spring and really like the rifle it became, even shot a buck with it last fall. Easy enough to do. I have an extensive primitive bow building back ground. So forming, shaping, measuring, eyeballing, and adjusting wood is what I do best. After the Kibler I decided I needed a whole lot more than what it offered in the way of building and creating the rifle. I decided to start reading on forums and watching videos a few months back. A week ago I made the long trip to the only specialty wood shop near me for some tools and a hard maple plank. I have ZERO chisel experience. Hadn't touched one in my 52 years. To get my toes wet I decided to try making a new stock for a TC New Englander. I got this far yesterday. The hook breech fitment with the barrel will be a challenge for me. But, I will get there in time. I'm very thankful for sites like this and the members willing to share and help as they are priceless chests full of knowledge. Primitive Archer forum and its members made me the bowyer I am today and I am thankful for that.

Gun Building / Re: Barrel Bending
« Last post by bluenoser on Today at 03:49:20 PM »
It is surprising nobody has an opinion on the best bend location for sight correction.
Items for Sale/Wanted / Re: FS Caywood English .58 Rifle
« Last post by Jerry on Today at 03:46:11 PM »
flathead1911, PM sent.
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