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Child Boards
[-] Basic Library Submission & Use Agreement / Instructions
[-] Museums and Exhibits open to the Public which offer displays of Kentucky Rifles
[-] The National Rifle Association Longrifle Collection
[-] Gary Brumfield
[-] J.S. Burson....Master Gunsmith, Wabash, Indiana
[-] Peter Neuhart by Bob Smalser
[-] The Shreckengost Collection
[-] Earnheart, William: A biography ( Ohio)
[-] Ancestors of the American Long Rifle
[-] Educational Materials & Research
[-] Exhibits of Special Merit (Makers Unknown)
[-] Links to Previous ALR Posts - (Photos & Discussion)
[-] Links to Long Rifle Resources - ( In Print & Internet)
[-] Buck & Ball (Smooth Rifle)
[-] Fowlers
[-] PA Short Arms Traditional Exhibits
[-] Pennsylvania Long Arms Traditional Exhibits - (PA, MD, VA, WV)
[-] Mule Ear Upper Susquehanna
[-] Relics (Antique Pistol & Rifle Furniture & Components)
[-] Transition Exhibits (ca. 1855 and later)
[-] Rifles by Unknown Makers - Brass Furniture
[-] Rifles by Unknown Makers - Iron Furniture
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