I have 6 or 7 coats of Chambers finish on my .40 cal rifle now. All rubbed down except the first and last two. I have a package of FFF pumice stone whose instructions say for an eggshell finish, rub down with oil along the direction of the grain. Currently the finish is good, glossy with no runs or sags but several frosty appearing areas, meaning some sort of rub down is required to get an even finish. Now the questions. What "oil" do I use? Please be specific as to where to get it and what brand you prefer. I have had this pumice for 30 years but have always used it with water, and it does not work that way.
Once this operation is complete, cheek piece inlays, wire inlays and barrel pin estuceons will still be coated with finish. How do I get the finish off these inlays, or do I just leave it? I can remove the butt plate and patchbox to clear the finish. I need to rust blue the screws anyway.
This boy should shool later in the week, after over a year in process.
I have been building guns for 45 years, I just never bothered to do it right before.