Longbow, welcome to the ALR. First off if you haven't build before, you should get one of the available books on gun building at MBS, or Track or Dixon's. Next you should get at least one of Jerry Noble's books on Southern Long Rifles, there are four volumes but start with Volume 1 or 2. Third is Ray McKnight's DVD on Southern Rifles. Fourth search "East Tennessee" on this site for lots of pics, and info Ray McKnights contact info is Phone 520-298-3004, his address is 1802 S. Camino Seco, Tucson Az., 85710 To contact Jerry Noble Phone 309-582-2852 414 N.E. 7th Ave. Aledo, Ill. 61231. Both of these fellows are low tech. Phone or mail only I think all this stuff is in the $20-m$30 range, and these guys are great to talk to. Also if you are starting out you probably want to start with an East Tennessee, as they are kind of the most common, but not the only ones, when you start researching the subject. The most common mistake beginners make is putting a German style lock on one of these guns, instead of an English Hardware lock. While the german style appear on rare occasions the Ketland, or Durrs Egg style are most common. Do some research, ask lots of questions, and have fun.