I have heard of using CocaCola (aka "Coke") to clean rust, but never tried it, although i've used naval jelly, which i have come to understand is very similar in chemical action.
The problem, i suspect, is similar to that of using the electrolysis (ww?) method (where you stick the rustythingy in a bucket of baking soda solution and run an electrical current through it): you'll end up with no (or very little) rust, but the pitting will still be there.
It couldn't do too much harm, so it's probably worth a try, but i wouldn't bet my horse and sword that it'll work. If it does, i would rub chalk (sidewalk chalk works for me) into the deep grooves, and card the files fairly often. If you keep after this, and you keep the handles tight (you do have handles on all your files, don't you- no fibbing, 'cause we can tell), you should get a good bit of use out of your files, but they're an expendable tool, sadly enough.
Best of luck with your project!