There has been a lot of lip service about the quality of L&R's breeches. Lip service often stems from reasons other than quality. Since L&R has only recently added this to their offerings and since they also just acquired Baxter's casting business, I would intuit that this is the same breech that was offered previously by Baxter. If so, then it has a long history of usage by builders and is a proven product.
If we are going to slam someone, let's give actual facts rather than subjective, personal opinions. Opinions are like arse holes....everyone has one and quite often the person giving the opinion is one. Enough of us have dealt with consumers to know this to be true. There are some real wingnuts out there. My aunt, now deceased, was one. Much to our embarassment, she ALWAYS found a reason to send food back when eating in a restaurant....regardless of its quality.