perhaps i got the one in a zillion 'lemon,' but i bought such a gadget from Track of the Wolf when i built my first from- a- blank rifle. The blank was Lacewood, and the rifle is quite handsome (i think, but even the ugly guy will tell you his ugly kids are pretty...).
i pretty much followed exactly the details in Alexander's The Gunsmith of Grenville County and the whole set up looked like it made sense and would drill me a nice straight hole all the way to China... no such luck!
Perhaps i did something wrong, or there was no temper on the bit, or whatever, but after about an inch and a half, the drill drill was so dull it wouldn't even cut pine, and i threw up my hands in disgust and went to a local guy who runs a bodyshop down the street. He put a drill bit on some angle iron, shimmed a quarter inch rod, and tack welded a jobber bit on the end. I admit i had some run out, but i was able to fix this without too much trouble and the ramrod goes in as it should.
Out of curiosity, is there any way I can bring the single flute bit back to life? (I will, of course, build another flintlock- once you start, you don't stop- sorta like a drug addiction but without the expense or criminality).