Now, now fella's. We went from a stuck patch/jag to a rusted bore that ain't worth fixing. Here's a situation that landed in my lap a few years ago.
A customer called, said that he had broken his ram rod in the bore with a cleaning patch and jag down in there. After quizzing him that he was SURE it wasn't loaded I instructed him to send me the barrel. I've shot dry balls and jags out of barrels before, have a barrel proofing jig etc. and experience. I strapped his barrel into the jig with a healthy dose of 4Fg and a 15 second fuse. I couldn't believe what shot out, or I should say half way out.
Are you ready for this... .... (suspence builds)... a half a pair of mens jocky shorts. No kidding, the waist band and various seams still intact. I puuuuulllled them the rest of the way out of the bore like a magician pulling a hanky out of his hand. No wondeer he had it all stuck so bad in there.
My point is you never know what the real situation is 'till you see it with your own eyes.
By the way, when I sent the barrel back (with a bill) I included some cleaning patches and quick instructions how to clean his gun.