Congratulations -- a job (no small feat right now, from what I hear) and a rifle started. If your cash inflow vs. outflow is as close as my first real job out of graduate school was, you might as well take advantage of the situation and make everything you can, and that trigger is a good start. Also, you might as well do it now before marriage (if it hasn't happened already) and kids put your hobbies in the backseat for a while. I have a couple of decent shop areas and actually prefer to work at the dining room table (not too fancy, mind you) most of the time, with the kid and wife around...makes a mess, but I get away with it, at least so far, so don't feel like you are missing something vital and need to wait. You can do the rest outside when the weather picks up and/or make friends with people who have garages/shops/etc..