Author Topic: bag/belt ax  (Read 2996 times)


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bag/belt ax
« on: October 21, 2008, 09:35:12 PM »
I purchased a small cast ax head last year at the Association of Ohio Longrifle Collectors  show in Newark, (when is that this year?). 

I've tried twice to make a curly maple handle for it.  Both times the head ends up being loose and wobbly.

I was thinning down the top of the handle and inserting it into the head to see where I needed to remove more wood.  I kept doing that untill I had the head seated on the handle with about 1/2" sticking about the head.  Then I took the head off, cut down the handle with a hack saw, put the head back on and inserted a wedge.  It was tight at first.  then lossened.

are there any secrets or obvious tricks that I'm missing? 

It's tough trying to learn how to do some of this stuff on your own.

Offline Tim Crosby

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Re: bag/belt ax
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2008, 12:58:51 AM »
 That show is this weekend. I'm glad you said something I would have missed it for sure, I'll be there now. Thanks. 
  Is the eye tapered or straight? If straight the handle needs to be so tight that you have to drive it on   like jasontn said don't shape it until you get the head and handle connected, leave extra length at both ends. Even with a wide wedge and a tight fit some of the play will depend on the moisture content of your wood. 

Tim C.