OK, I am the proud owner of two Lehigh rifles,(one of my own design, and one built by Mr. Allen Martin), and a third in progress as we speak.
I think fit, is much more important with this style than with a lot of other, straighter butt stock types. BUT!! The two that I've had a pleasure to shoot, and I mean a pleasure, have NOT be cheek crushers.
The one I built, was a .54 and had no problem at all with the alledged cheek bite, and the one Mr Martin built for me is a.50, and even with a HOT charge, absolutely no cheek bite.
Yes, the thumb in the cheek position is a little awkward at first, but you just can't deny the beauty, and in my case the true functionality (is that a word?) of these beauties.
Come on Allen, tell them what-for!!
And PLEASE, never compare a Dixie Gun Works anything with a good Lehigh gun!!