Nitric added to a similar volume of water (depending on the acid) weaker less water. DO NOT ADD WATER TO ACID. BECAREFUL. Getting nitric on your skin is VERY bad. Use gloves and a eye protection etc.
Then add the iron, I use small finishing nails, degreased steel wool or old wagon tire cuttings, all give the same color.
Dissolve all the iron the acid will take. Not all at once though small amounts added work best.
Reaction will cause heat and it best done in glazed stoneware. This results in a stain that is depleted for only slightly acidic.
It make take a few days to get the stain to stop eating away the iron. I decant into jars after the initial reaction then just put in a nail and leave the jar lid loose for a week or more. If the nail does not dissolve fish it out.
Ferric Nitrate is the result. Ferric Nitrate crystals will do the same this without the acid from tests another guild member conducted.
The iron is the stain, he acid just converts iron to a form that will easily stain wood.
Some use Vinegar to make ferric acetate (?) which from postings here works well.
Do not use hydrochloric in any amount.
Stay away from the fumes!