Author Topic: Wood allergies and toxicity  (Read 3448 times)

Offline Kermit

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Wood allergies and toxicity
« on: November 03, 2011, 03:59:49 PM »
Since spending a few hours yesterday in the ER getting set right, I went looking for information on the offending koa look-alike acacia that did me in. We don't know what the wood is, since it was sold with koa and as koa. Boss decided to use it as accent wood on a small table. The dust came from the next bench in the shop--I wasn't handling it. I was wearing my AirCap. Paramedics thought I needed to be transported since my blood pressure crashed and I was near losing consciousness. Couldn't sit up or stand without blacking out. Had the nice young paramedics pretty concerned. They got the O2 flowing and an IV "just in case." Anyway, EKG okay, pulmonary function a bit wonky, and I'm home for a few days while the dang stuff gets eliminated from the shop environment. And my system.

Anyway, came up with this for your amusement--check the woods you use.
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Offline WadePatton

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Re: Wood allergies and toxicity
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2011, 07:10:12 PM »
Sorry you got "bit".  Hope recovery goes fast and well.

Never was much into working wood before, but had long known of mild toxicity in some fairly common woods, like walnut and teak.  If that's the same list I've seen before there's a huge range of stuff to be "aware" of.  ...wait what?  Oh, that's a much nicer list.  But jeez, _everything_ has bad dust! 

I say "aware" of because I've had no reaction to anything yet, and there you go with a whiff and visit by the professional medical staff-mobile edition.  Scary thing there is that you _don't_ know what it was, and it sounds a bit more threatening than some.  My bp runs low anyhoo.

Also the skull/bones on Sassafras is just silly.  That's a hold-over from the food and drug industry killing it with another one of their bogus studies.  I consume sassafras regularly and will build a cabin with it.  It's as toxic as a housecat, but they didn't want folks flavoring sodas with it, or actually documenting it's "spring tonic" effects...they don't like competition from natural sources.
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Re: Wood allergies and toxicity
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2011, 12:51:39 AM »
Its not a "toxic" reaction, but I have had an asthma attack triggered by cutting and sanding oak (not gun related.)

I checked the list at the link and it does mention asthma under oak. Learn something new (and usually forget something old) every day.

Offline FALout

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Re: Wood allergies and toxicity
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2011, 02:28:30 AM »
Something else to consider.  Now I've been in the woodworking industry for going on 20 years.  Never really had any issues with any wood types except Mahogany, but that usually bothers everyone sanding it.  But I now have been having problems with breathing, just starting on allergies at the rip age of almost 50.  I have to have more tests done, but my point is that some things may not bother you your whole life, and then one day something triggers your body to dislike something, it happens.  I suggest that controlling dust where you are working should be a priority even if you have a shop away from the house you live in, most wood is not a problem for most people but you do need to be aware if you are having trouble.   I never would have thought I would have issues like I do now.  Laboured breathing and asthma is a daily problem right now and hopefully I'll be able to correct this with my doctors help, we'll see.  Kermit, I hope your doing better.  Good luck.


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Re: Wood allergies and toxicity
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2011, 02:31:08 AM »
I went to Africa last year and my PH showed me several trees and bushes that were extremely toxic to humans in one form or another. One tree if burned kills those that breath the smoke fumes, another trees bark if ingested causes the heart to stop. Then there are thorn bushes that you dont want to get pricked by as it causes severe pain and irritation. That continant is just a nasty inviorment to live in. I feel lucky liveing here in the US with just my Oak pollen allergy.