Depending on lubes, I use between 55gr. 2F or 3F to 65gr. 3F or 75gr. 2F in my .40 - NO fouling problems or differences noted with any load.
In the .32, I use 35gr. 3f for all ranges initially with a .311" ball and now with a .320" ball (.319"Lee mould) The .311" shot just fine, with no fouling problems up to 40gr., but 35 was more accurate at 50yards. I could not get this barrel under 1" at that range, hence my purchase of a .319" mould. I have not tested it yet, except for ball fit with the patch I'm using- .019" to .023". Both load and fit just fine, no cutting. I haven't bench tested it yet.
In the .45, I use between 65gr. 3F with water based to 75gr. 3F and 85gr. of 2F with oil - same deal with no fouling changes.
In my 24" .577 Musketoon (.574" bore) - a mere 75gr. of 2F, gives a .562" ball a velocity of 1,308fps. I now use 85gr. 2f as it's more accurate, especially at 100yards - 3" for 5 shot groups, I did not chrono it yet - battery failure the day of testing) No fouling problems.
In my .58 Kodiak, 100gr. shoots together at 50yards, crossing 1" at 100yards - 3" groups - with both barrels counting. I use a Lyman .570" mould that casts .574" - NICE! they also shoot well in the Musketoon with a .020" patch - with only .003" deep rifling at the muzzle - yeah - short starter is needed or a very calused thumb that can be hit with a starter.

My .69 uses 2 loads, both quite efficient - close range plinking with 82gr. 2F gives 1,200fps and 165gr. gives 1,550fps - no fouling with either noted. both using .684" ball and .030" patch, but the lighter load can use a .0225" patch if I have some cut. The heavier load needs the thicker patch to maintain accuracy at long range - to 200yards - 2 1/2" last year in testing- 5 shots. So - please don't tell me that's too much powder - at that range, it's needed. Oh- no fouling problems.
In none of these guns do I EVER wipe during a day's shooting. It just plain isn't needed.
I should note here the reason I have 2F loads for both the .40 and .45, is just in case I run out of 3F, I know what powder charge of 2F gives the same accuracy as 3F - in both rifles, it's 10gr. more.
I do not use 3F in my .58's as with DPeck, I get better, more consistant results with 2F. If I had a .50, I would use 2f solely just for that reason.