I am coming down the home stretch on my French pistol. But there is one question looming before me.
I have 3 original pistols.

All are from between 1725 and 1775. One fancy, one basic and one medium quality. They all have the typical long-spur type butt-caps. They all have a cover or "retainer" (that's what TRS calls them) over the center of the butt cap where the screw would go on an English pistol.
Does any one KNOW how that cover is attached? I don't think they are fancy screws because all of the ones I have are oval and they line-up with oval flats on the butt-cap. I am reluctant to damage any of my originals with what might be destructive dissassembly. I can make a little domed brass cover and invent a way to stick it on but I would like to do it like the originals if I could find out how the originals were done without destroying one of mine.
I appreciate any help you all can give me. Thanks.
John Cholin