My own method is to remove the parts and mount them to a backing board for support, then lightly spray paint with a flat white primer, draw your design, engrave through the paint, remove paint with 0000 steel wool , acetone, paint remover, etc.
The nice thing about this " spray paint" method is it will protect the polish/finish on the piece while you engrave ( baring your skipping out of the line and running a gouge line across the surface!)
I employ this method on high polished Colt SAAs, it protects the surface, gives you a surface to draw on that can be erased/corrected , and you can" lightly" sand any burrs off without marring the polish job (although I generally come back with a flat bottom graver and cut them off ) And there is no need to do any re- polishing.
This also works for Blued parts and it will protect the Blue.
Spray paint, cut , Cold Blue the cuts, then remove with acetone. The paint will keep the Blue from getting "burned" or corrupted by the Cold Blue. Have done this for customers that don't want to have to re-blue after engraving or are trying to preserve the original Blue of the gun.