Re reading your discription I think the point of contact of the nipple in the cup is not the center of the face of the hammer but to the upper part of the face. Is that correct?
Dave, not correct. The nipple was at the very back of the cup. The side panels of these guns are tapered front to rear. The lock goes in tipped as it remains flush at the front of the drip bar, but recedes back as it fits into the standing breech. Since both the standing breech and the lock bolster are flat and square, the vertical of the lock bolster must be tapered; otherwise there would be a gap where they meet. Tapering the bolster closes the gap, but effectively changes the hammer throw because the lock moves forward a bit during the process. Hence, the hammer must then be adjusted to the new throw.
Intense heat right at the bend is the trick. Oxy Acet will do that.
That's a lot or arc to squish in just that one spot.
Tom, it has been my experience several times that concentrating heat at a particular point almost guarantees a crack. The whole arc has to be uniformly heated so the bend is evenly distributed over the arc and any bending is done in successive steps. I also observe that many original hammers are cracked at the bend, but don't know why as I would imagine the whole hammer was heated in a forge.
Anyway, the job was successful. A plug was made by taking the threads off a short 3/8" bolt and it was a tap fit. It had to be cut flush with the front of the hammer cup to fit properly in the vise. Instead of reversing the jaws, I had a piece of flat stock that worked perfectly. Heated it with the torch, took a half turn on the vise handle, reheated and took another half turn. It was sufficient. Hammer hits nipple square and clears the fence on the breech. Annealed the whole hammer to relieve any stress.
Took longer to get the plug out than the rest of the operation. Tapping it with a chisel gave a slight gap at the rear, but tipped it and prevented any further movement. I ground a small wedge from drill rod, tapped it into the gap, and it finally popped out.