Author Topic: Rereading VERY old posts!!  (Read 2716 times)


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Rereading VERY old posts!!
« on: December 22, 2012, 12:42:19 AM »
 As some one who is working (kinda) on his first rifle from a kit. I thought that rereading some old posts would help me some. Well it has, plus it's also very interesting and I would recommend for everyone just starting out in this endevour. So far I started on post #305 and I am up to around #175!! now. Now I have'nt read every single one but there sure are some posts that are VERY interesting. It's also nice to know how long some of you have been either making or shooting these kind of rifles, And I would like to thank each and everyone of you who has made this websight so interesting and informative. I have read so FAR back that Roundball was still shooting prodution guns and a few years ago he made the switch. Btw, I do like his posts cause the pictures and stories are great!. So for all the new folks out there, If you have some questions just go back awhile in whatever forum you are and I bet you that your question has been answered a few times. I know mine have been. Oh , I also started going backwards and I am around post 70 going that way, so between post 70 and post 175 I still have to check out. See ya'll when I'm through!.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 12:47:43 AM by james e »

Offline Dennis Glazener

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Re: Rereading VERY old posts!!
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2012, 01:04:51 AM »
So for all the new folks out there, If you have some questions just go back awhile in whatever forum you are and I bet you that your question has been answered a few times. I know mine have been
The newer members, as well as some of the old members, should also play around with the search feature. To avoid search all the forums click on the "check all' box (down in the white area) to take the check marks out of all the forums, then click on "Choose a board to search in, or search all" which will show you all the forums that we have on ALR. Then put a check in the box for the forums you wish to search i.e. "Gunbuilding" and/or "Antique Gun Collecting", then place the text in the search field that you are looking for such as "forge" 'trigger" The search feature will look in Gunbuilding and Antique Gun Collecting forums for the words "forge" and "trigger'. Saves you looking through all the old post for what you are interested in.
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Offline WadePatton

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Re: Rereading VERY old posts!!
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2012, 01:28:18 AM »
yeah, the linear dig-through-em-all method is great too Dennis.  I started at the 3xx and got back to the mid 200's before i got weary of all the clicks that it takes to do such.  i never found a way to just "go to page XXX". of course this varies by forum software package and which features are enabled and who has access to those features.

Sure, i search 32x per day.  but sooooo many times folks use a slightly different term or a term is too common.  Then you try searching titles only to find that many many posts have titles that convey nothing about the actual thread. 

Selecting which specific sections via the forum tree is overwhelming from my end.  if we could collapse some of the sections/categories instead of being presented with each and every one every time--that would be quite handy. 
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Offline Majorjoel

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Re: Rereading VERY old posts!!
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2012, 02:10:28 AM »
Anybody remember "Wolfy" from New Zealand?  That will take you back a few moons ago! Wonder what ever happened to him.  I was just a lowly Capt back then.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 02:13:28 AM by Majorjoel »
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Offline Eric Smith

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Re: Rereading VERY old posts!!
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2012, 02:15:50 AM »
I have been using the search feature extensively. It's a great tool.
Eric Smith