Author Topic: pre carve vs blank  (Read 3285 times)

jim m

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pre carve vs blank
« on: December 28, 2008, 08:02:22 PM »
working on my second build, both have been from pre carves. the first was shaped and barrel and ram rod were inlet, but I had to locate and inlet lock and panels,trigger and guard, thimbles and nose cap. the second build is fully inlet all I have to do is final fitting. I have come to the conclusion that I do not like precarves and my next one will be from a blank. with a precarve I feel like I have no control over where things go, am I being an old grouch or is this just a natural progression in the learning process. either way I think precarves are a thing of the past for me.  just my .02 cents

Offline Tom Currie

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Re: pre carve vs blank
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2008, 08:08:17 PM »
Jim, I think your thoughts are. as you stated, a natural progression. With proper research and planning there is no reason you need the head start that a precarve provides for you. I also believe you will gain more personal satisfaction starting from a blank.

Offline alex e.

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Re: pre carve vs blank
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2008, 08:21:07 PM »
Jim, your not alone,  while i have learned abit from precarves.The layout of such does not always work out the best.
Its a natural progression of things,as you get more confidence in your skills & knowledge of a good mentor helps infinitely.

Fred Miller & David Keck will 'profile from the lock panels back' a style or school one might wish to do,it does save some guessing if your not sure.Lots of room still to set things as needed.  My next project is a Niehart style gun from a blank.Ive already had help with it. its now less intimidating.
I only do about 5-6 guns a year, enough to support my habits & keep them going onward.But only half this season were from precaves,A few years ago I would not have thought  about doing it from a blank.

Its not you ;)Alex E.
Uva uvam videndo varia fit

lew wetzel

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Re: pre carve vs blank
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2008, 08:46:36 PM »
jim,my first couple rifles wre precarves and i had the same feelings as you and i am starting my first from a blank.and i am looking sooo forward to it as i feel it will teach more about architecture and design that you dont get with a precarve...

George F.

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Re: pre carve vs blank
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2008, 11:39:29 PM »
I've built 7 guns in the 18 years I've been building. I'm slow, really slow. I do the best I can, but make mistakes often, very often. A pre-carve can get you started off without allot of work on your part. A blank on the other hand allows you limitless options. From the choice of wood to choice of barrel, lock. In fact ALL parts YOU decide. The drop, the trigger pull, the cast off. You start to learn and appreciate the skill, knowledge, and amount of work that went into the making of a long rifle, and this will be something that YOU made, and not something that somebody started for you. These are my thoughts......Geo.


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Re: pre carve vs blank
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2008, 11:55:38 PM »
I have felt that precarves are good for training, and good for a pro that needs to save time.  Were I to buy a one of Mr. Chambers excellent kits, I would feel that the gun was built by myself and Chambers.  Kits do control some of what you can do and in some cases you may not get a kit for what you want.  It is a matter of personal satisfaction and your expectations from your hobby.  I could se where some of the better artists would be better off using a kit as their talents are almost wasted on the basics.