Nothing wrong with taking a file to a sight, just keep in mind that whatever you file away can't be put back.
I'd suggest, before filing, seeing if you can make a temporary test sight out of cardboard or sheet metal of the intended shape and height, temporarily attach it to the barrel with a piece of tape or spot of household cement and see if that gives you a usable sight picture while dry-firing. Then modify your actual sight to your heart's content.
As to moving the rear sight forward, that's usually a compensation for aging eyes. If you're a bit farsighted, sometimes a pair of low power reading/computer glasses, like about 0.5 or .75 diopter, will sharpen up both front and rear sights without having to relocate the rear sight. Or, a Merit Optical device (or piece of electrical tape with a small pinhole stuck to the front of your glasses is a popular alternative) might work for you.