14 # class, light bench will take the same type of equipment only lighter. Go with a long med weight barrel the best you can find, preferibly with false muzzle. If I remember right you only shoot out to 100 so the heavy cal isnt as desirable as in heavy bench where you shoot out to 200. Get the best adj. front and rear sights you can find. New ones will run up to 400 bucks but are worth it when you are shooting in the wind. As Don said, get or make a solid bench, very important. You will also want among other trappings a good spoting scope. You might as well make up a set of good sturdy cross stixs as the 14# limit applies to that too and you will want to shoot that with the same gun posibly. Drop tube, range rods, good sharp patch knife, note book, etc. etc, I have a 12 & 1/2 # gun that has a modern thumb hole stock with little drop, wished it had just a little more.