There're lots of references out there. What is your background, have you done much fine wood/metal work ? Are you wanting to scratch build, that is start with a block of wood and a box of parts ? Or one of the many "Kits" available ? If you haven't done so yet, get a good book on rifle building. Alexander's book has a lot of info & good pic's. Others as well. Study those and try and come up with a plan. Virginia parts are available from TOW, Chambers & others. Look at as many examples as you can, then make/draw a pattern on cardboard or plywood to assemble the gun before you start work. Track wolf catalog has locks, & other parts full size. Photo copy those and place on pattern to get a starting point, works for me. That way you get an idea where everything belongs--to avoid conflicts in part placement. Hope this helps some, give it a go--we need all the help we can get. ...Tom