Granted that the stock replacement seems to start 1 1//2" behind the breech, virtually the entire lock mortise must have been replaced along with the fore stock, understanding the barrel to be 38 1/2" long and the "fore stock" replacement to be 40". However, if "barrel restored" means "repaired" and not "replaced", then the very nice and most important part of the stock, plus the barrel, are probably original. That is almost 2/3 of the "whole lock, stock, and barrel". I would not be critical of such a well documented "resurrection", especially by such a competent hand as Wallace Gusler. I applaud the salvation of this fine rifle from the junk pile. Think how many beautiful ones have been irrevocably scrapped in the past when they were considered obsolete and worthless beyond redemption. Whoever is serious about this rifle might contact Wallace to see what he remembers about it, and then proudly acquire a fine piece of history.