well.... we had session number one of the Great California Condor non-lead test.
Starting at 100% bismuth and adding lead-free solder in 3% increments, we stopped at about 80/20 Bismuth and leadfree solder. A 4lb hammer was dropped on the ball from 12 inches on a concrete floor as a test.
A-The lead test ball flattened, but did not crack.
B- The 100% Bismuth shattered and crumbled in a pile of sugar and rice sized crystals.
C- The 100% LF solder ball dented (less than the lead) and did not crack.
C- The Bismuth/LFsolder 97/3 combo shattered in cracker crumb chunks and the in between percentages improved with the increase of LF solder, but they all dented cracked and crumbled...
D- Finally the 80/20 ball dented but still cracked into 2 to 3 pieces with a few smaller crumbles....
Unfortunately, my ounces postal digital scale proved insufficient to measure the minute changes in weight... The lead ball registered about .30 ounces, where all of the bismuth and bismuth/tin balls registered .2--something...(most about .25 I think...) pretty shoddy science, but hey, what do ya expect from an artist?
I was pretty depressed about the outcome. We were not planning on trying a shooting test today, but we could not resist so we shot the ball at about 10 paces at a target backed by a 1/2 inch plywood and a chunk of poplar firewood split....
Suprize...The 80/20 bismuth patched ball with .45 gr of FFF, went thru the plywood and thru (about an inch and a half thick section) of the poplar and we could not find the ball in the dirt backstop, but it created a clean hole thru the plywood and the poplar... The lightweight 100% lead-free solder ball we tried, went thru the plywood but dented the poplar and did not penetrate it.
Conclusion: Bismuth and leadfree solder alloy "might" work, but it will never hold together as well as lead. Leadfree solder, holds together really good, is fairly soft, but it is too light to penetrate sufficiently for big game.
We are going to try lead free pewter, and also try a more formal shooting test of the 80/20 Bismuth/LFsolder alloy
But I am sad to say that today I did not find the magic combo that would be an easy substitute for lead...
We had fun anyway.... sorry guys,