Whet, I used a #10 lock bolt screw. I had flattened down the section without threads and bent/filed it into the hook. I got it real close to right, but it was getting too thin. I tried one last bend, and broke the tab off of it.
The next one only took a few minutes to make. I cut it to approximate length, heated the smooth section red hot, and played blacksmith until I had a good, big blob on the end. Once I had plenty of metal to work with, it was easy to file it to shape.
I made mine with a single tongue on it, and this passes along side the screw and hooks under the head of the wood screw. But, I like the idea of the "Y" shaped tongue to hook on both sides of the screw, and under the head.
You do need to plan carefully so your screw stays in the web of wood between the barrel and ramrod hole. Not much wood there if you don't hit the web.
The cool thing about using a wood screw to hold it in, is that you can turn it down a bit at a time until it is just right.