Well i "proofed" it.
On accident. My powder measures had "merged" in my pocket and i threw a heavy charge down the bore, touched it off...and thought "ZOWIE BATMAN! that was a stiff one" Immediately relating it to the "fresh" powder as opposed to the 4-day-old charge in the bbl. OR alternatively that i didn't have it snugged up to my arm/loose hold.
Then i found the shredded mutilated and destroyed patch...questioned my lube...
THEN it hit me, to check the measure. Error was noticed immediately. Part of one measure* had made itself into and extension on the other--such that I had touched off 155g of FFF in the .54.
*had three adjustable measures, and the two "non-thumbscrew" measures had gotten tangled. the outermost part of one fitting neatly onto the outermost part of another--handy to know if you want to throw big charges.
I'll make a pic someday.
Hit the target close enough.
Reduced the charge to 80 and put the third ball right next to the first ball at 50. And recoil was back to the "what, did you feel anything=? i didn't" level.
Shooting in the woods, never found good patches this time. More shooting is in order, when conditions "sweeten up" a little bit.
AND yes my RR is marked, but had a wiping jag on and wasn't watching the mark (as i need a second mark for use with jag. Yes i'll be making some fixed measures and also watching the depth on the dipstick a bit more diligently hereafter.