Seven shots at 50 yds. This was not from a bench tho. This was freehand.
10 shots at 25 yds. Free hand
Pistol is a single shot with a 32 cal. Ed Rayl barrel. We use Hornandy "0" Buck and a .010 thick patch.
Powder is Swiss FFF 14 grs. Velocity is 925 fps. Barrel is 9 inches. We don't have any targets shot from
a rest, because we don't shoot that way.
This was 10 shots at 25 yds by yours truly.
Wife has won the 100 yd pistol match at Friendship with a 78 score, but I can't find the target. The 10
shot group was about 10 inches.
Another 10 shots 25 yds. This was within 45 cal Green Mt barrel. Powder Goex 20 grs. . 017 pillow ticking
patch, moose milk lube . Ball .451 cast. All of our lube on everything is water souable oil water mix.
A 50 yd 5 shot target. 32 cal Ed Rayl barrel