I had ordered four Sapphire Grade Rasps from Noel at Liogier. My current Project uses a highly figured stock of Bastone walnut with tearing grain. The 3grain 10 inch Cabinet Makers Rasp did a fine job removing the bulk of the wood in shaping the butt stock.
The 8 inch 8 and 12 grain Cabinet Makers rasps did very well at smoothing and refining. The novelty rasp in my order is the Gunsmith rasp, which is twelve inches long by about 5/8 wide in 7 grain. This rasp, like the cabinet makers is a half round cross section. I found the Gunsmith rasp perfect for shaping the comb-wrist intersect and cutting the hollows down into the butt stock. In addition it was very handy for shaping portions of the lock panel. This is a rasp I wish I had available decades ago.