Davey.........simple task. Put your barrel in a vise, horizontal. Using a cleaning rod with one or two cleaning patches,
start them into the barrel, several inches, then mark the cleaning rod with a magic marker at the very muzzle end of the
barrel. Then useing a 3" piece of masking tape, place it on the bottom of the rod and bring both ends together so that you
have a tab sticking straight up. This should be done back at the handle end of the rod. Next you will push the rod into the
barrel until the tab is straight down. We now have made 1/2 turn in the barrel. Once again place a mark on the barrel with
that magic marker right at the muzzle. You can then pull the rod out of the barrel and measue the distance between the
tow marks. Multiply the measurement time 2 and you will have the twist. For instance, if the measurement is 24" in one half of a turn, the twist would be one turn in 48"...........Don