I've got a fluorescent shoplight right over the bench, plus two bulbs of hundred watt incandescent in the ceiling for angled light. Having some angled light is really important for seeing shape, as you have to be able to see shadow. Got to have some angled light. I also have a pull down hooded light on a cord, that I can raise or lower as necessary to get more angled light if I want it.
If you plan to be in the shop during the day, then its best to have daylight, lots of it if possible. I put in a new window above the bench in my basement so as to help with that. Still not enough, but much better than it was. Better ventilation, anyway.
Beyond that, PAINT. Lots of white paint. My shop is a basement garage, and it used to be just grey brick. That was no good at all. Painted all the walls white. Painted the garage door white, as well. That helped tremendously.
Also, echo what the other guys said on the magnifier with the light in it. (Eyesight is no good anymore and I use it all the time for checking out small stuff. On that topic, I also found that Lowes carries wrap around safety glasses with BIFOCAL READING LENSES built in! Oh, man, that was a good day when I found those!)