I plunged in an did what I felt to be the most easy. I took my jewlers saw an cut a thin slice of curly maple from an old stock an sanded the darn thing down until it fit the inside of the trigger slot. It seems to work an not stick too bad! Then ,I had the trigger polished so the trigger an epoxied(don't tell anybody-I even stained it to match)maple shim, slid in like a slice of bread. The darn thing works good , but cold weather or damp weather might force further adjustment. I gave some thought about thickening the trigger, but when I polished the darn thing I could see where it had been soldered to get the preferred angle of the single trigger in the trigger guard.The shim was about 1/16 thkness an I would have liked to slide an equal thickness shim in opposite side to center the trigger. The 1/16 shim on one side didn't seem to make the trigger offset an favor the opposite side....guess the small amount won't mean much....sonny