Good note, Monk. I have some strips I got from the pharmacy - I will check them out. I have a bottle of the new/original LHV formula and the new FL lube, along with some Shenendoah lube.
Now, as to taking the finish off - Wipeout has a spray can of foaming Black Powder solvent that when trying it in my .32 Squirrel rifle without removing the barrel from the stock, a bit got past the toothpick in the vent, and a drip ran down the butt stock to the plate - it left a whitish line from lock mortice to the butt - removing not only oil but the stain as well.
That stuff would make a good oil and stain remover, that's for sure, it it didn't ruin the wood for new applications of finish - jury's out.
I went back to the tried and true- cool water, flushing the bore.