Hey Daryls,( and Crispy)...Sunday,15 Feb.
You missed a beautitful day yesterday. At noon it warmed up to a balmy -10c, no wind, sunny. Changing light in the woods made for some interesting shooting. Hatchet Jack and I shot 55-60 shots. The little .40 shot flawlessly. Not one missfire. The wingnut behind the buttplate needed some adjustment,LOL, but once that was done, I only missed six shots over the day.
Tried a new patch lube concoction of my own making and it worked superbly,btw. Cleanup at home was a breeze. Just thought I'd let you now.
BTW,no wiping between shots-all day. Accuracy excellent first shot thru 60 shots.One shot fowling build-up,patch lube cleaned after each shot.
.395 RB,.022patch,50grs. 2f goex,homemade lube