I am gathering parts to make my 16 year old granddaughter a flint hunting rifle. I bought a dandy little 31 inch barrel from Rice and a small siler flintlock at Dixons. I just ordered a piece of sugar maple from Dan at Dunlaps. I intend to use a fowler pattern so it will be easy and quick to handle. Since no attempt will be mad to make this rifle historically correct, my question is; will German silver tarnish enough to not be a liability for hunting, or should I use brass?Just before we left for Dixons, she killed the big boar coon that had been ravishing their chicken house. She killed it with a broad head bolt from her crossbow. That settled the question of whether or not to build her a rifle in addition to the music box I made her several years ago. (She beat out her brother who was also there with a 20 gauge shotgun.)