I'm working on my first build in about 5 years and I just screwed up big time inletting my buttplate, so don't think that it's a first timer thing! This is about my 10th rifle and my mistake is a lot worse than that. My buttplate has a thumbnail extension on the top that is inlet into the comb and I failed to keep my center lines lined up properly as I was inletting it. The top extension ended up about 1/16th of an inch to the right of the centerline of the comb. Not good! Very noticeable! If I inlet the right side of the plate more in order to move the thumbnail over to the centerline of the comb I'll have a 1/16 inch gap on the right side of the thumbnail. The fix will either be to glue a matching piece of wood to the right side of the thumbnail inlet and re-inlet the thumbnail, or rework my design by adding some kind of inlay to cover or fill in the gap! My point here is that you'll learn a lot more from your mistakes and the creative process of figuring out a fix, then if everything had gone perfect and you were never required to put on your thinking cap and get creative! If done properly no one will ever know you screwed up except you, and you'll get a lot of satisfaction knowing you can always fix things if necessary. Just have fun and take it as it comes. It's not the end of the world, and nor will it be your last mistake! Welcome to the world of Longrifle building!