im getting ready to build a flintlock for sale, what caliber is the most popular, style,
length? I know this depends on a lot of things this rifle will be shot off hand, benchrest,crossticks
what would you concider the perfect usable rifle?
just thinking
Methinks as good question in this case might be, "Have you ever had difficulty selling a rifle because of caliber?"
Also that the caliber should be appropriate to the style, and to whom do I expect to market this gun?
As I don't personally care for 50 (I have an odd twist against average/common
), and as such I made my first build a 54-but it "upset" a few TN gun guys who want everything Hoggish.
I don't think you can really go wrong with 50, but that I'll probably only ever build 45's and 54's for General Purpose/Built on Speculation guns and only experiment with some "odd" ones when I get ballsy.
Personally I have a 54 done, 40 and 30 in the earliest stages (not for market) and also 45 and 36 on hand-to build to sell. Just need a piece of wood to start the 45...
I'm guessing that the guys/gals who are looking to buy guns from "unknown" builders are looking for their "first" non-production rifle and may be drawn to the middle of the road 45-54.