Paul has a newly published book too. It's very well done...
Another video source is Richard McGuire, known as The English Woodworker.
Rochard has a lot on YouTube also. In some ways I prefer Richard...
Tuned in to Richard today after I saw your reply here. You "prefer him" is what I recalled you saying. I come back and agree in part--In SOME ways, just WAY not as professionally done as Mr. Sellers.
No doubt he knows his stuff, but his ramble is worse than mine and the video production just isn't up to par with Paul's. No way I'd pay for his premium blend. I've been on Paul's pay group, but calling my bank every month to get the international charge approved got a bit tiresome.
The cap-iron setting and no tear-out on that bit of Ash is simply amazing. I've been working razors all day but now I want to work on cap irons and plane some knottyness.
Thanks for the connection. So far I rate Richard's videos as good because he knows his stuff and isn't hawking gear, but somewhat lacking on the production quality. This makes it STELLAR in the world of YouTube instructionals. I'll subscribe.