does it shoot?, you may ask. Pretty well, actually. Target below was shot benched at 50 yds. Load was 60gr Goex FFFg, .445 ball, .018 pillow ticking lubed with Hoppe's 9+. Ten shot group, not wiped during the string. POI tended lower as the string progressed.
With the low sights, heat refraction off the barrel was quite noticeable by shot 7 in the 10 shot string which may account for some of the vertical stringing. Along with old eyes and general inability.

I fired a total of around 30 rounds between sighting in, shooting the group and general shooting. Never touched the vent, ignition was super fast, no hangfires, no flashes in the pan.
The quality of the wood in this stock is really good. It actually shows a good deal of chatoyance in sunlight, much like curly maple. Thanks Jim!