Dave, In examining originals, mostly post Rev War to the percussion period, I find about an equal split between flat head lock bolts to the oval head bolts, with perhaps a bit more on the oval head side. When flat head bolts were used, they were seldom over 1/8" thick. I have seen very few original patchboxes secured with oval head screws. The majority were flat heads and a slightly larger head diameter than we normally use. Oh, and the idea of lining up the screw slots with the axis of the bore apparently was not on the judging list for gunmakers of that time. Oval head screws in patchboxes have a nice look, but I think they just filed the screw heads down flat with the rest of the box and went on. We must constantly be aware of the fact that the early gunbuilders were doing this to keep bread on the table. It was not a hobby, retirement business, etc., but the main source of income...waste not want not!