I have turned no less than five plugs for a set of 16 gauge barrels and cannot seem to get them to fully seal at the forcing cone. After reading Runastav's build last year, i was all excited and he made it look easy. I believe it would go very quickly if I could get the plugs to fit correctly. I couldn't fit the barrels in my lathe the way Runstav did so I threaded them by hand, following W. Brockway's book. I almost want to cut a small shoulder at the beginning of the forcing cone for the plug to seal against, however this will thin the barrel there and if you ask me, shotgun tubes are already thin enough. Brockway just says to thread the chambers and the plug will stop and seal at the forcing cone. The problem is getting the fit just right with file work (basically hand fitting). I looked at my taps last night and the bottoming tap isn't quite as "bottoming" as it needs to be. I have another that I will use and I am thinking about removing about 1/8" from the bottom of it to remove the tiny bit of taper that is present. Since the threading is already present in the chamber, it wont be an issue to start a tap with no taper and it will cut more at the bottom of the threads next to the forcing cone.
If this doesn't work, I hate to be a quitter, but I'll probably use my two locks and stock blank for something else. I will be out of a nice set of barrels (which stings).
Sorry for the venting