Why would you want to add any stain to cherry? It will develop, IMHO, one of the most beautiful colors of any wood on it's own. Cherry is photo reactive, and will age to a warm, rich, reddish mahogany color all it's own after a number of years. That can be accelerated by taking the stock and leaving it in bright sunlight for a day, PER SIDE. That will give the process a good start, but it won't reach it's full potential for another 2-3 years.
With a few seal coats of VERY thinly applied linseed oil, and a couple rubbed out coats of garnet shellac (or another top coat of your choice), it will achieve a wonderful color. Some people use lye to accelerate the coloring process as well, but again IMHO, any additional dyes, stains, chemicals look gaudy on nice cherry in comparison to the color it will naturally achieve.
Do some web searches on finishing cherry wood, and you should come up with a lot of examples of what type of finish you personally will like.