I asked for carbon paper at Office Depot and the employee's gave me the deer in the headlight look.
Go to a music shop and ask for an LP and see what happens, it'll be fun.
Although the laser printer was never intended to be used in gun building, it's characteristic heat and ink transfer system can be easily repurposed to our needs. It's not like none of us have EVER taken something laying around the shop and remade it into something we need to build a gun. These day's a laser printer can be bought for the price of 3 Pfiel chisels. It's just another tool in the arsenal.
There are graphic artists out in the world that can do amazing things with digital technology, creating true works of art. These same people probably would have a hard time using a pencil to accomplish the same task. The internet is absolutely awash with designs, graphics and ideas, all easily adaptable to our needs. There are literally hundreds of thousands of graphics from the Baroque and Rococo period available, free.
Personally, I view the advent of technology as a good thing for this addiction of ours. The internet keeps this knowledge alive, and saves it for future generations. Being able to post pictures of our work, our success's and failures, we are preserving this art and attracting people that wouldn't otherwise even know that you COULD build your own firearm. Places like this forum are in effect an historical archive.
Those of you that have turned a hobby into a business are reaching out further than you ever have, selling your parts, books and knowledge. Using technology selectively has taken an arcane, regional hobby and turned it into an internationally recognized art form.
What's wrong with that?